

人类学是一门科学,深入探究了起源、生物学特性、文化行为、艺术表现、社会实践和宗教信仰的过去和现在的人类社会。人类学家人类好奇的方面,其发展与独特经历相关的某一群人以及人类的普遍共性共享。人类学家试图理解什么是人,为什么人们的行为以某种方式,不同的力量和事件如何影响和改变人类的现实。人类学包含四大areas-cultural人类学、语言学、体质人类学和考古学。每个研究领域是根植于自己的理论和使用不同的科学研究的方法和假设。文化人类学家对海关收集和管理数据,仪式,和社会价值观不同的民族和种族的人类存在。物理生物的行为,人类学家进行研究物理类型、种族属性,持续的人类物种的进化和适应特定的环境。语言人类学家研究遗传根和结构的世界语言。他们学习语言和通信模型在个人世界文化的背景下,从跨文化的角度来看。考古学家调查人类居住的残余,人造的工件。 They analyze physical evidence of cultural achievements and developments, interactions between society, culture and the environment, migration and settlement patterns. There is an array of anthropological specialties. For instance, primatologists focus on the areas of human evolution, primate behavior, primate behavioral ecology and conservation; forensic anthropologists rely on standard scientific methods of physical anthropology to identify human remains and help solve a crime. Generally speaking, a major in anthropology can lead to a broad range of career options and open doors in research, teaching, advocacy, business, public service, criminology, and health related occupations. In light of the culturally diverse global workforce and markets, there is a growing demand for marketing analysts and social researchers who possess a keen understanding of human behavior and can offer an anthropological perspective when gauging and projecting future business and social trends. Ample job opportunities can be found in museums, archaeology firms, physical anthropology laboratories, non-profit organizations, government agencies, world organizations, and private corporations. A Master’s degree is preferred for most research and administrative positions. A Ph.D. degree is required for the majority of academic jobs and various specializations. Traditionally, an education in anthropology is accompanied by extensive training in at least one foreign language. Anthropology provides a strong liberal arts foundation and advanced communication skills for a subsequent study of law.



  • 分析能力、求知欲和批判性思维技能。
  • 研究方法的知识。
  • 管理能力、评估和解释大量数据。
  • 社会熟练。
  • 客观、系统的方法。
  • 准确的记录和对细节的关注。
  • 概念化的能力。
  • 先进的口头和书面沟通技巧。
  • 外国语言和跨文化的欣赏。
  • 网络和与他人分享想法的意愿。



*田野考古学家*实验室助理技术员* *博物馆志愿者协调员*社会工作者*就业招聘人员*立法助理* *市场研究者研究助理


*文化人类学家*语言人类学家*医学人类学家*考古学家* *的社会人类学家,人类学家古生物学家*健康科学管理员*社会工作者* *家庭服务顾问*求职顾问*公共健康教育家*基因顾问*社会服务机构规划师*基金会项目经理*博物馆教育总监*图书管理员*档案管理员*合同考古学家*语言学家*艺术枕*社会科学分析*行为科学顾问* *社区规划师外交事务官*环境影响评估研究*人力资源经理*工业心理学家管理顾问* *营销经理*员工关系专家

